Lot 1 - Ashmore (Harriette). Narrative of a Three Months' March in India, 1st ed, 1841
Lot 2 - Beamish (North Ludlow). History of the King's German Legion, 2 volumes, 1832-37
Lot 3 - Bower (Robert). An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe, 1815
Lot 5 - Burton (Richard F.). The Book of the Sword, 1st edition, London: Chatto & Windus, 1884
Lot 6 - Clarke (Percy). Australian Etchings [so titled on upper cover], [1886?]
Lot 8 - De Vaugondy (Robert). Atlas D'Etude, pour L'Instruction de la Jeunesse..., circa 1822
Lot 14 - Ireland (Samuel William Henry, editor). Life of Napolean Bonaparte, 4 volumes, 1823-28
Lot 15 - Jones (George). The Battle of Waterloo, 10th edition, 1817
Lot 17 - Levasseur (Victor). Atlas National Illustré des 86 Départements..., 1854
Lot 18 - Lewis (John Frederick). Lewis's Sketches of Spain & Spanish Character, 1st edition, 1835
Lot 20 - Russell (John). A Complete Atlas of the World Comprised in Thirty-Four Maps, circa 1840
Lot 21 - Stanley (Henry M.) In Darkest Africa, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1890
Lot 24 - Ackermann (Rudolph, publisher). The History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton..., 1816
Lot 25 - Atkyns (Robert). The Ancient and Present State of Glocestershire, 2nd ed., 1768
Lot 26 - Atkyns (Robert). The Ancient and Present State of Glostershire, 1st ed., 1712
Lot 27 - Barclay (Rev. James). A Complete and Universal Dictionary..., circa 1855
Lot 30 - Burton (William). The Description of Leicester Shire, [1622]
Lot 32 - Cary (John). Cary's New and Correct English Atlas..., Sept. 1st 1787
Lot 35 - Dugdale (William & Dodsworth, Roger). Monasticon Anglicanum..., 3 volumes, 1st ed., 1655-73
Lot 36 - Greenwood (C. & J.). Atlas of the Counties of England..., 1834
Lot 37 - Harris (John). The History of Kent, volume one [all published], 1st edition, 1719
Lot 38 - Havell (Robert). A Series of Picturesque Views of the River Thames..., 1818
Lot 39 - Lambard (William). Perambulation of Kent, 2nd edition, 1596
Lot 40 - Lawson (John Parker). Scotland Delineated in a Series of Views..., 2 volumes, 1854
Lot 41 - Lewis (Samuel). Atlas to the Topographical Dictionaries of England and Wales..., 1848
Lot 43 - Moll (Herman). A New Description of England and Wales with the adjacent Islands..., 1724
Lot 44 - Moses (Henry). Picturesque Views of Ramsgate, with Descriptions, 1817
Lot 45 - Moule (Thomas). The English Counties Delineated, 2 vols., 1837
Lot 46 - Norden (John). Nordens Preparatiue to his Speculum Britanniae..., 1723
Lot 47 - * Peepshow - London. Thames Tunnel, 1200 feet long, 76 feet below high water mark, 1843
Lot 48 - Philipott (Thomas). Villare Cantianum: or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated, 1659