Lot 292 - Thomas (Dylan). Under Milk Wood, 1st edition, London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1954
Lot 293 - Warne's Juvenile Drolleries. Ten Little Niggers, circa 1890
Lot 294 - Warren (Charles). The Early Weights and Measures of Mankind, 1st edition, 1913
Lot 295 - Watkins-Pitchford (D.J., 'B B'). The Idle Countryman by 'BB', Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1943
Lot 296 - Wells (H. G.) Twelve Stories and a Dream, 1st edition, 41903
Lot 297 - Wilde (Oscar). De Profundis. A Facsimile, limited issue, British Library, 2000
Lot 298 - Yeats (William Butler, editor). Samhain. An Occasional Review, 1901-1904..., and others
Lot 302 - McKechnie (Sue). British Silhouette Artists and their Work 1760-1860..., and others
Lot 303 - Ordnance Survey Maps. A large collection of approximately 350 modern OS maps & similar
Lot 304 - * Private Records / LPs. Collection of rare Private Records, several signed by Eva Turner
Lot 305 - Milner (John). The History Civil and Ecclesiastical..., of Winchester, 2 vols., [1801]
Lot 307 - Erasmus (Desiderius). Des. Erasmi Roterod. Colloquia nunc emendatiora, 1636
Lot 308 - Miscellaneous Literature. A collection of late 19th to 20th Century fiction & literature
Lot 309 - Beeton (S. O., publisher). The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 7 vols., 1866-[72]
Lot 310 - New Naturalist. A small collection of New Naturalist series
Lot 311 - Scholarly Reference. A very large collection of Italian language scholarly reference
Lot 312 - Tylor (Joseph J.). Wall drawings and monuments at el-Kab: The Tomb of Paheri, 1895
Lot 313 - Natural History. A collection of modern natural history reference
Lot 314 - Archaeology. A collection of 19th Century & modern scholarly archaeology reference
Lot 316 - Music. A large collection of modern classical music & opera reference
Lot 317 - Archaeology. A large collection of modern archaeology reference & related
Lot 318 - History. A large collection of modern history & miscellaneous reference
Lot 319 - Archaeology. A large collection of modern archaeology reference & related
Lot 320 - History. A large collection of late 19th & early 20th Century history reference
Lot 321 - History. A large collection of late 19th & early 20th Century history reference
Lot 322 - Wellesley (Dorothy). Jupiter and the Nun, 1st edition, London: Hogarth Press, 1932
Lot 326 - University Publications. A collection of 20th Century University published reference
Lot 327 - World War II. A collection of modern WWII & Nazi reference
Lot 328 - Music. A large collection of modern music & opera reference & related
Lot 329 - Music. A large collection of late 18th to early 20th Century music reference & related
Lot 332 - Music. A large collection of modern classical music & opera reference & related
Lot 335 - Military. A large collection of early to mid-20th Century military reference & related