Lot 146 - Allegorical Maps. Woelfle (Alphons), Das Bucherland, Munich. circa 1938
Lot 147 - Arctic Regions. Wyld (James), Wyld's Chart of the Arctic Regions..., 1875
Lot 148 - * Asia. Blaeu (Willem), Asia Noviter Delineata, published Amsterdam, circa 1640
Lot 150 - British Maps. A collection of Fifteen County and Road maps, 17th-19th century
Lot 151 - Canada. De Vaugondy (Didier Robert), partie de L'Amerique Septent..., Paris, circa 1755
Lot 155 - Cuba and the West Indies. Ortelius (Abraham), Culicanae Americae..., [1579-84]
Lot 156 - Darwin (Bernard). Receipts and Relishes, Being a Vade Mecum for the Epicure, 1950
Lot 157 - Durham. Speed (John), The Bishoprick and Citie of Durham, 1676
Lot 159 - Essex. Speed (John), Essex devided into Hundreds..., 1676
Lot 161 - Europe. Bowen (Emanuel). Europe: laid down from the observations... circa 1750
Lot 162 - Europe. De Jode (Cornelius), Nova Totius Europae Tabula..., Antwerp [1593]
Lot 164 - Foreign maps. A collection of approximately 330 maps, mostly 18th & 19th century
Lot 167 - Holy Land. Boechler (G. A.), Land tafel darinnen die gegendt das Paradijs...., circa 1660
Lot 168 - Holy Land. Braun G. & Hogenberg F.). Hierosolyma..., circa 1572
Lot 169 - Holy Land. Ribbius (Herannus & Schouten Anthony), De Hand-dadige Bouwing..., Utrecht, 1700
Lot 172 - India. Jefferys (Thomas), The East Indies with the Roads..., 2nd edition, 1768
Lot 173 - Ireland. Coronelli (Vicenzo Maria), Parte Settentrionale Dell Irlanda..., 2 sheets, 1695
Lot 174 - Ireland. Jansson (Jan), Hibernia Regnum vulgo Ireland, Amsterdam: circa 1640
Lot 175 - Ireland. Ortelius (Abraham), Eryn. Hiberniae Britannicae Insulae nova descriptio, 1592
Lot 177 - Ireland. Seutter (G. M.), Regnum Hiberniae..., published Augsburg: [1742]
Lot 178 - Ireland. Valk (G. & L.), Regnum Hiberniae divisum in Provincias..., circa 1710
Lot 179 - Italy. Marzi (A.), Croce Rossa Americana, published Rome, circa 1919
Lot 182 - * Kent. Blaeu (Johannes), Cantium vernacule Kent, Amsterdam: circa 1645
Lot 184 - London. A collection of 11 maps of London and its Environs, 19th & early 20th-century
Lot 185 - London. Tallis (J. publisher). Fifty-three panoramic decorative Street Maps [1838 - 40]
Lot 186 - Lowrey (Jo.). Geographical Guide to a Man's Heart and ..., a Woman's Heart, 1960
Lot 190 - North America. Schraembl (Franz Anton), General Karte von Nord America, 1788