Lot 707 - * Campaign Bath. A Boer War period tin bath, circa 1899-1902
Lot 711 - * Churchill (Winston). A collection of Winston Churchill memorabilia, 20th-century
Lot 713 - * Corkscrews. A collection of Victorian and later bar mounted corkscrews
Lot 717 - * Corkscrews. A Victorian Chinnock type corkscrew and other corkscrews
Lot 720 - * Folk Art. A wishbone penwipe doll, early-mid 19th century
Lot 721 - * Freemasonry. A William IV period white metal star medal and brass trivet
Lot 722 - * French School, circa 1870, a fine bronze modelled as fighting cherubs
Lot 724 - * Inkwell. A French inkwell, 19th century and other items
Lot 725 - * Magic Lantern. An Edwardian hanging lantern made from magic lantern slides
Lot 726 - * Masonic Pendant. A George III Masonic enamel pendant, circa 1770
Lot 727 - * Mont Blanc. A Mont Blanc fountain pen with 18ct gold nib and other items
Lot 728 - * Motoring Memorabilia. Shell and Redline glass petrol pump globes
Lot 730 - Nelson (Horatio, 1758-1805). A waxwork portrait miniature by Leslie Ray of London
Lot 732 - * Ormolu. A continental gilt bronze figure of a mastiff, 19th century and other items
Lot 733 - * Parrots. Two Austrian cold-painted bronze parrots, late 19th century and other parrots
Lot 736 - * Stag Heads. Continental Imperial Stag heads, probably Black Forest, early 20th century
Lot 737 - * Stag Heads. A stag skull cap and antlers, early to mid 20th century
Lot 738 - * Stags Head. A large Continental carved wood stag head, probably Black Forest circa 1900
Lot 739 - * Stone Torso. A limestone carved female torso, 20th century
Lot 743 - * Walking Stick. A walking stick with woodcock terminal, hand carved by Ian James
Lot 747 - * American Silver. A pair of Newport Sterling silver three-branch candelabra
Lot 752 - * Bennett (Val, 1923-2013). A silver duck by Val Bennett for Hancocks, London 1990
Lot 754 - * Cream Jug. A George II silver cream jug by Isaac Cookson, Newcastle, circa 1730