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Antiques (2)
Autographs & Ephemera (136)
Books (305)
Decorative Prints (38)
Fine Art (20)
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Lot 193 - Goltz (Hubert). Le Vive Imagini di Tutti Quasi Gl'Impertori, Da C. Iulio Caesere, 1557
Sold for £1,000
Lot 194 - Goltz (Hubert). Vivae omnium fere Imperatorum imagines, a C. Iulio Caes. Antwerp, 1557
Sold for £1,050
Lot 195 - Goltz (Hubert). Vivae omnium fere Imperatorum imagines, a C. Iulio Caes. Antwerp, 1557
Sold for £400
Lot 196 - Goltzius (Hubert). Icones Imperatorum Romanorum, 1708
Sold for £850
Lot 197 - Goorle (Abraham van). Abrahami Gorlæi Antverpiani Dactyliotheca seu Annulorum, 1601?
Sold for £380
Lot 198 - Gori (Antonio Francesco). Thesaurus Gemmarum Antiquarum...
Sold for £700
Lot 199 - Gorlaeus (Abraham). Dactyliothecae, 2 volumes, 1707
Lot 200 - Gorlaeus (Abraham). Dactyliotheca, 1601
Sold for £650
Lot 201 - Gorlaeus (Abraham). Dactyliothecae
Sold for £2,400
Lot 202 - * Grand Tour Plaster Intaglios, 19th century
Sold for £8,500
Lot 203 - Gronovius (Jacobus). Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum, 13 volumes 1697-1702
Sold for £3,800
Lot 204 - Grotius (Hugo). De Jure Belli ac Pacis, 1719
Sold for £580
Lot 205 - Guichard (Claude). Funerailles, & diverses manieres d'ensevelir des Rommains, Grecs, 1581
Sold for £340
Lot 206 - Hemelaers (Jean). Imperatorum Romanorum, Antwerp, 1627
Sold for £360
Lot 207 - Herbert (Thomas, 8th Earl of Pembroke). Numismata antiqua in tres partes divisa, 1746
Sold for £1,700
Lot 208 - Hirsch (Johann Christian). Bibliotheca Numismatica exhibens catalogum
Lot 209 - Horatius Flaccus (Quintus). Opera, London: John Pine, 1733-7
Sold for £260
Lot 210 - Hulsius (Levinus). XII primorum caesarum, 1st edition, Frankfurt, 1597
Sold for £540
Lot 211 - Humphreys (Henry Noel). Ancient Coins and Medals, 2nd edition, 1851
Sold for £160
Lot 212 - Huttich (Johann). Imperatorum & Ceasarum vitae
Sold for £520
Lot 213 - Kennett (Basil). Romae antiquae notitia, 5th edition, 1713, & 5 other copies
Sold for £280
Lot 214 - La Chau (Abbé Géraud de, Gaspard Michel, Abbé Le Blond). Description des Principales..., 1780/84
Sold for £1,300
Lot 215 - Leigh (Edward). Select Observations concerning all the Roman and Greek Emperors, 1697, & others
Lot 216 - Liebe (Christian Sigismund). Gotha numaria, sistens thesauri Fridericiani numismata antiqua, 1730
Lot 217 - Liebe (Christian Sigismund). Gotha Numaria, 1730
Sold for £130
Lot 218 - Lipsius (Justus). De cruce libri tres [and] De vesta et vestalibus, Antwerp: Plantin, 1599 & 1609
Lot 219 - Lipsius (Justus). De militia Romana, Antwerp: Plantin, 1598
Sold for £170
Lot 220 - Lopez Bustamante (Guillermo). Examen de las medallas ... de Munda en la Betica, 1799
Sold for £240
Lot 221 - Louis (Duke d'Orleans). Description des principales Pierres Gravees du Cabinet, 2 vols., 1780-84
Lot 222 - Luck (Johann Jacob). Sylloge numismatum elegantiorum, 1620
Sold for £480
Lot 223 - Mangeart (Thomas). Introduction à la Science des Médailles, Paris, 1763
Sold for £230
Lot 224 - Manuscript. An Explanation of Dassier's Medals, by Charlotte Hanbury, circa 1795-1800
Sold for £5,000
Lot 225 - Marcellinus (Ammianus). Rerum gestarum qui de XXXI supersunt, Libri XVIII..., 1693
Sold for £1,200
Lot 226 - Mariette (Pierre-Jean). Traité des pierres gravées / Recueil des pierres gravées..., 2 vols., 1750
Lot 227 - Mariette (Pierre-Jean). Traité des pierres gravées / Recueil des pierres gravées..., 2 vols., 1750
Lot 228 - Megiser (Hieronymus). Icones & Vitae Paparum ..., 1602, and 4 others
Sold for £750
Lot 229 - Menestrier (Claude-Francois). Symbolica Dianae Ephesiae, 1657
Lot 230 - Mexia (Pedro). The Historie of all the Romane Emperors, beginning with Caius Iulius Cæsar, 1604
Lot 231 - Mongez (Antoine). Tableaux, statues, bas-reliefs et camées, de la Galerie de Florence
Sold for £900
Lot 232 - Morell (Andreas). Thesaurus Morellianus, 1734
Sold for £1,900
Lot 233 - Morell (Andreas). Thesaurus Morellianus, 2 vols, 1734
Sold for £420
Lot 234 - Nardini (Famiano). Roma Antica, 1st edition, Rome, 1666
Lot 235 - Nardini (Famiano). Roma Antica, 2nd edition, 1704
Sold for £150
Lot 236 - Natter (Johann Lorenz). Traite de la Methode Antique, 1754
Lot 237 - Noehden (George Henry). Specimens of Ancient Coins,..., London: Septimus Prowett, 1826
Lot 238 - Numismatics. Illustrated manuscript catalogue of ancient Greek coins, 19th century, & 4 others
Lot 239 - Occo (Adolf). Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata
Lot 240 - Ortelius (Abraham). Deorum Dearumque Capita, 1683