Price and date
Antiques (2)
Autographs & Ephemera (28)
Bookbinding Tools & Accessories (16)
Books (514)
Decorative Prints (71)
Maps (130)
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Lot 193 - * Cracow. Jansson (Jan after Georg Braun & Franz Hogenberg), Cracovia, circa 1657
Sold for £1,900
Lot 194 - Derbyshire. Sanderson (George). This map of the County of Derby..., 1836
Sold for £1,150
Lot 195 - Dorset. Saxton (Christopher & Lea Philip), Dorsetshire, circa 1693
Sold for £320
Lot 196 - * Dorset. Speed (John), Dorsetshyre with the Shire-towne Dorchester described [1611]
Sold for £340
Lot 197 - * East Indies. Mercator (Gerard & Hondius Henricus), India Orientalis, 1606 or later
Sold for £540
Lot 198 - Edinburgh. Braun (Georg & Hogenberg Franz), Edenburg..., circa 1581
Sold for £1,100
Lot 199 - England & Wales. C. Bowles (publisher), Bowles's..., Map of England and Wales, 1782
Sold for £70
Lot 200 - England & Wales. De Vaugondy (Robert), Le Royaume D'Angleterre..., 1753
Sold for £150
Lot 201 - England & Wales. Kitchin (Thomas), An Accurate Map of England and Wales, circa 1760
Sold for £100
Lot 202 - England & Wales. Munster (Sebastian), Das Ander Buch Beschrebung Engellandts..., 1578
Sold for £160
Lot 203 - * England & Wales. Rocque (John), Large map of England & Wales, 1794
Sold for £55
Lot 204 - * England & Wales. Saxton (C. & Hole G.), Englalond Anglia Anglo Saxonum..., 1637
Lot 205 - England & Wales. Speed (John), The Kingdome of England, 1611
Sold for £920
Lot 206 - * England, Wales & Ireland. Speed (John), The Invasions of England and Ireland, 1676
Sold for £820
Lot 207 - Essex. Blaeu (Johannes), Essexia comitatus, Amsterdam, circa 1648
Sold for £200
Lot 208 - Europe. Munster (Sebastian), Europa das ein Drittheil der Erde nach gelegenheit..., circa 1588
Sold for £180
Lot 209 - * Europe. Quad (Matthias), Europa, Cologne, circa 1598
Sold for £280
Lot 210 - Folding Maps. A mixed collection of approximately 175 maps, 19th & 20th century
Sold for £780
Lot 211 - Folding Maps. A mixed collection of seventeen maps, mostly 19th century
Sold for £270
Lot 212 - Folding maps. A mixed collection of ten folding maps, mostly 19th century
Sold for £140
Lot 213 - * Germany. Jansson (Jan), Brandeburgum Marchionatus..., circa 1638
Lot 214 - Germany. Walch (Johann, publisher), General Charte... Koniglich Preussischen Staaten..., 1797
Lot 215 - * Glamorganshire. Blaeu (J.), Glamorganensis comitatus vulgo Glamorgan Shire, 1648
Sold for £120
Lot 216 - * Gloucestershire. Speed (John), Glocestershire contrived..., 1676
Sold for £500
Lot 217 - Hertfordshire. Speed (John), Hartfordshire Described..., 1611
Sold for £290
Lot 218 - Hungary. Speed (John), The Mape of Hungari..., 1676
Sold for £840
Lot 219 - Isle of Wight. Speed (John), Wight Island, 1676
Lot 220 - Kent. Morden (Robert), Kent, 1695 or later
Sold for £170
Lot 221 - Kent. Speed (John), Kent with her Cities and Earles described and observed, 1676
Sold for £400
Lot 222 - Kent. Speed (John), Kent with her Cities and Earles described and observed, 1676
Sold for £360
Lot 223 - Konigsberg. Haffner (Johann Christoph, publisher), Regomontium Konigsberg, circa 1740
Sold for £520
Lot 224 - Lancashire. Hennet (G.), A Map of the County Palatine of Lancaster, 1830
Lot 225 - Lancashire. Smith (William), Lancastriae comitatus..., circa 1675
Sold for £1,650
Lot 226 - Lancashire. Speed (John), The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster described, circa 1627
Lot 227 - Lincolnshire. Jansson (Jan), Lincolnia comitatus Anglis Lyncolne Shire, circa 1648
Sold for £210
Lot 228 - London. Bowles & Carver, publishers), Bowles's New one-Sheet Plan of..., London, 1795
Lot 229 - London. Braun (Georg & Hogenberg Franz), Londinum Feracissimi..., 1572 - 74
Sold for £3,300
Lot 230 - * London. Cruchley (G. F.), Cruchley's new plan of London improved to 1829
Sold for £460
Lot 231 - London. Davies (B. R.), London 1851, published S.D.U.K. circa 1852
Lot 232 - London. Greenwood (C & J), Map of London from an Actual Survey..., 1827
Sold for £2,400
Lot 233 - London. Walker (J & C), A Plan of London and its Environs, 1840
Lot 234 - Lviv/Ukraine. Braun (Georg & Hogenberg Franz), Leopolis Russuae Australis Urbs..., circa 1618
Sold for £1,000
Lot 235 - Map Reference. A collection of approximately 75 volumes, 20th century
Sold for £260
Lot 236 - Maps. A mixed collection of approximately 130 maps, 17th - 19th century
Sold for £240
Lot 237 - * Maps. A mixed collection of eight maps, 17th - 19th century
Lot 238 - Marienburg/Malbork, Northern Poland. Von Pufendorf (Samuel Baron), ...,Marienburgensis..., 1696
Sold for £80
Lot 239 - Mediterranean. Braun (Geog & Hogenberg Franz), Sibinium..., circa 1580
Lot 240 - Middlesex. Ogilby (John), An Actuall Survey of Midlesex..., George Willdey, 1732
Sold for £230