Price and date
Books (398)
Decorative Prints (10)
Fine Art (32)
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Lot 49 - Godfrey (Robert). Various Injuries & Abuses in Chymical and Galenical Physick, 1674
Sold for £1,700
Lot 50 - Petty (Sir William). Discourse concerning the use of duplicate proportion, 1674
Sold for £2,300
Lot 51 - Boursault (Edmé). The Prince of Conde, 1st edition in English, 1675
Sold for £960
Lot 52 - Woolley (Hannah). The Queen-like Closet, 3rd edition, 1675
Sold for £4,200
Lot 53 - Vaughan (Rice). A Discourse of Coin and Coinage, 1st edition, 1675
Lot 54 - Barbette (Paul). Thesaurus Chirurgiae, 1676
Sold for £640
Lot 55 - Debes (Lucas Jacobsen). Faeroae, & Foeroareserata, 1676
Sold for £520
Lot 56 - Phillippes (Henry). The Purchasers Pattern, 1676
Lot 57 - Graaf (Reinier de). De Secco Pancreatico: Or, A Physical and Anatomical Treatise, 1676
Lot 58 - Child-rearing. The Fathers Legacy: or, Counsels to His Children, 1678
Sold for £580
Lot 59 - Harvey (Gideon). The Family-Physician, and the House-Apothecary, 1678
Sold for £200
Lot 60 - Royal binding. English Military Discipline, 2nd edition, 1678
Sold for £2,200
Lot 61 - Badcock (William). Touch-stone for Gold & Silver Wares, 1679
Sold for £980
Lot 62 - Bromfield (M.). A Brief Discovery of the Chief Causes..., 1679
Sold for £880
Lot 63 - Clavell (Robert). General Catalogue of Books printed in England, 3rd edition, 1680
Lot 64 - Peter (John). A Treatise of Lewisham Wells, 1st edition, 1680
Sold for £1,200
Lot 65 - Leigh (Edward). The Gentlemans Guide, 1680
Lot 66 - Mynsicht (Adrian von). Thesaurus & Armamentarium Medico-Chymicum, 1682
Sold for £480
Lot 67 - Sylvius (Franciscus; also known as Franz de le Boë). Of Children's Diseases, 1682
Lot 68 - Bible, contemporary black goatskin gilt, 1683
Sold for £320
Lot 69 - Englands Vanity: or the Voice of God Against the Monstrous Sin of Pride, in Dress and Apparel, 1683
Sold for £1,450
Lot 70 - Ercker (Lazarus, & John Pettus). Fleta minor, 1683
Sold for £2,700
Lot 71 - Woolley (Hannah). The Accomplish'd Ladies Delight, 3rd edition, enlarged, 1683
Sold for £4,000
Lot 72 - Pallavicino (Ferrante). The Whores Rhetorick, 1683
Sold for £7,200
Lot 73 - Hartman (George). The True Preserver and Restorer of Health, 1684
Sold for £620
Lot 74 - Accademia Del Cimento. Essayes of Natural Experiments, 1684
Sold for £1,300
Lot 75 - Courtin (Antoine de). The Rules of Civility, 1685
Sold for £210
Lot 76 - Tate (Nahum, editor). Poems by Several Hands, 1685
Sold for £420
Lot 77 - Granville (Denis). Letters to his Nephew after his Admission into a College in Oxford, 1685
Lot 78 - Helmont (Franciscus Mecurius van). Paradoxal Discourses, 1685
Sold for £700
Lot 79 - Préchac (Jean de). The Serasquier Bassa: An Historical Novel of the Times, 1685
Sold for £1,400
Lot 80 - Cleeve (Charles). The Songs of Moses and Deborah paraphras'd, 1st edition, 1685
Sold for £400
Lot 81 - Venette (Nicolas). The Art of Pruning Fruit-Trees, 1685
Sold for £1,250
Lot 82 - Compleat Planter & Cyderist, 1685
Lot 83 - Weidenfeld (Johannes Segerus). Four Books of Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld, 1685
Sold for £1,500
Lot 84 - Hillenius (François). The English, and Low-Dutch Instructer, 1686
Lot 85 - Thompson (Nathaniel). 86 Loyal Poems upon the two late Plots, 1st edition, 1686
Sold for £560
Lot 86 - White (John). Arts Treasury, 1688
Lot 87 - Love (John). Geodaesia: or, the Art of Surveying and Measuring of Land, 1st edition 1688
Sold for £1,050
Lot 88 - La Fayette (Marie, comtesse de). Zayde, A Spanish History, 2nd edition in English. 1690
Sold for £160
Lot 89 - Rochester (John Wimot, Earl of). Poems, etc., 1st authorized edition, for J. Tonson, 1691
Sold for £1,550
Lot 90 - Aulnoy (Marie-Catherine, Madame d'). Memoirs of the Court of France, 1692
Sold for £100
Lot 91 - Fletcher (Thomas). Poems on Several Occasions, 1st edition, 1692
Lot 92 - Avril (Philippe). Travels into divers Parts of Europe and Asia ... into China, 1693
Sold for £260
Lot 93 - Hopkins (Charles). Epistolary Poems, 1st edition, 1694
Lot 94 - Leybourn (William). Pleasure with Profit, 1694
Sold for £800
Lot 95 - Mackworth (Humphrey). England's Glory, 1694
Sold for £2,100
Lot 96 - Mather (William). The Young Man's Companion, 1695