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Lot 73 - Australia. Williams (G. M.), Plan of the District if Adelaide..., 1841
Sold for £170
Lot 74 - * Bickham (George). A Skit on Britain, 1740
Sold for £700
Lot 75 - Blaeu (Johannes). Cantium vernacule Kent, Amsterdam, circa 1645
Sold for £340
Lot 76 - Boston. Gentlemans' Magazine (publisher). A New and Correct Plan of the Town of Boston, 1775
Lot 77 - * Braun (Georg & Hogenberg Franz), Yorke, Shrowesbury, Lancaster, Richmont, circa 1618
Sold for £150
Lot 78 - British County Maps. A collection of approximately 350 maps, 17th - 19th century
Sold for £460
Lot 79 - British County Maps. A collection of approximately 40 maps, 17th - 19th century
Sold for £220
Lot 80 - British Isles. Munster (Sebastian), Engellandt mit dem anstossenden Reich Schottlandt..., 1588
Sold for £240
Lot 81 - British Isles. De Lisle (G.), Les Isles Britanniques ou sont le Royaumes D'Angleterre..., circa 1740
Sold for £140
Lot 82 - British Isles. Hollar (Wenceslaus), Untitled allegorical map, 1643 or later
Sold for £560
Lot 83 - British Isles. Mercator (Gerard & Hondius Henricus), Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia, 1595 or later
Sold for £440
Lot 84 - British Isles. Ortelius (Abraham), Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae sive Britannicar..., 1592
Sold for £420
Lot 85 - British Isles. Waldseemuller (Martin), Tabula Moderna Hiber, Strasbourg, 1525
Lot 86 - British Isles. Waldseemüller (Martin), Untitled map, Strasbourg, 1525
Sold for £600
Lot 87 - Budai (Esaias). World & Four Continents, Debrecen, circa 1800
Estimated at £1,000 - £1,500
Lot 88 - California. Clavigero (Francesco S.), Carta Della California Suo Golfo E. Contracoste..., 1788
Sold for £500
Lot 89 - Canada. Arrowsmith (A. lithographer), Plan of part of Ottawa and North Rivers..., 1831
Lot 90 - Comparison Chart. Smith (Charles), A Combined View of the Principal Mountains & Rivers..., 1825
Sold for £520
Lot 91 - Cumberland. Speed (John), Cumberland and the Ancient Citie Carlile Described..., 1616
Lot 92 - England & Wales. Hole (G.), Englalond Anglia Anglo Saxonum Heptarchia, circa 1610
Sold for £260
Lot 93 - England & Wales. The Autocar Map for Motorists, John Bartholomew & Co, circa 1925
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 94 - France. Speed (John), France revised and augmented..., 1676
Lot 95 - * Gloucestershire. Speed (John), Glocestershire contrived into thirty thre severall Hundreds..., 1627
Lot 96 - Greenwood (C. & J.). Atlas of the Counties of England ..., 1834
Sold for £540