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Lot 385 - * Swords. A 19th century American cavalry sword and three other swords
Sold for £160
Lot 386 - * Swords. A 19th century Indian Police sword plus one other
Sold for £140
Lot 387 - * Swords. A French model 1830 sidearm (coup choux) plus police hangers
Sold for £130
Lot 388 - * Swords. A Victorian 1821 pattern Royal Artillery officer's sword by Henry Wilkinson
Sold for £240
Lot 389 - * Swords. A Victorian 1845 pattern infantry officer's levee pattern sword plus Swedish sword
Sold for £120
Lot 390 - * Swords. A Victorian 1845 pattern infantry officer's sword
Sold for £150
Lot 391 - * Swords. A Victorian 1845 pattern infantry officers sword by Firmin & Sons plus another sword
Lot 392 - * Swords. A Victorian 1885 pattern cavalry troopers sword plus 1908 pattern
Lot 393 - * Swords. A Victorian customs officer's sword plus two cutlasses
Lot 394 - * Swords. A Victorian officer's sword by Parker Field & Sons, Holborn London and one other
Lot 395 - * Swords. A Victorian Rifle Volunteer officer's sword and two others
Sold for £190
Lot 396 - * Swords. A WWI period 1897 levee pattern sword by Samuel Brothers Ltd and two others
Lot 397 - * Swords. A WWI Royal Artillery officer's sword and South African sword
Lot 398 - * Swords. An 1821 pattern Royal Artillery officer's sword plus one other sword
Sold for £100
Lot 399 - * Swords. Three WWI period 1897 pattern infantry officer's swords
Lot 400 - * Swords. Two 18th century small swords plus court sword
Sold for £200
Lot 401 - * Swords. Two 1912 pattern cavalry officers swords
Lot 402 - * Swords. Two Victorian 1845 pattern infantry officer's swords
Lot 403 - * Swords. Two Victorian 1885 pattern cavalry trooper's sword plus 1853 pattern
Lot 404 - * Third Reich Sword. A 1930s Third Reich Police sword
Sold for £540
Lot 405 - * Third Reich. A WWII German SA dagger
Sold for £340
Lot 406 - * WWI Sword. A WWI officer's sword
Lot 407 - * WWII Kukri. A WWII military kukri dated 1941
Sold for £220
Lot 408 - * Fighting Knife. A 3rd Pattern Fighting Knife by Wilkinson Sword Co Ltd London
Sold for £420