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Lot 1 - Alldridge (T. J.). The Sherbro and its Hinterland, 1st edition, Macmillan and Co, 1901
Lot 2 - Cooke (Arthur William). Palestine in Geography and in History, 2 volumes, 1901
Lot 4 - De Vaugondy (Robert). Atlas D'Etude, pour L'Instruction de la Jeunesse..., circa 1822
Lot 5 - Denis (Louis). Geographie des Dames ou Almanach Geographique Historique..., 1762
Lot 7 - Fortune (Robert). A Residence Among The Chinese, 1st edition, 1857
Lot 8 - Freshfield (Douglas W.). Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan, 1st ed, 1869
Lot 9 - Gell (William). The Topography of Troy, and its Vicinity, 1804
Lot 10 - Hawkins (Horatio B.). Geography of China, revised edition, Shanghai: Shanghai Press, 1913
Lot 11 - Lazarri (Antonio). Nuova Raccolta delle Principali Vedute deila R. Citta di Venezia, 1831
Lot 13 - Levasseur (Victor). Atlas National Illustré des 86 Départements..., 1856
Lot 14 - Livingstone (David). The Zambesi and its Tributaries, 1st edition, London: John Murray, 186
Lot 15 - Pissis (A.). Atlas de la Geografía Fîsica de la República de Chile, 1875
Lot 17 - RAF Pilots' Handbook Cairo-Baghdad Route. HMSO, 2nd edition, 1926
Lot 18 - Saumery (Pierre-Lambert). Les delices du pais de Liege, volumes 1 and 2 only, 1738-40
Lot 19 - Stubbe (Henry). A Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands, 1672
Lot 20 - Tournefort (Joseph Pitton de). A Voyage into the Levant, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1718
Lot 21 - View Books. New York, Canadian Rockies, Vancouver, Yosemite, Grand Canyon
Lot 22 - Ward (H. G.). Mexico in 1827..., 2 volume, London: Henry Colburn, 1828
Lot 23 - Wheeler (Stephen). History of the Delhi Coronation Durbar, 1904