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Monday & Tuesday 27/28 January 9.30am-5.30pm
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Lot 337 - Bell (Charles). The Nervous System of the Human Body...,1830..., and others
Lot 338 - Breschet (Gilbert). Etudes anatomiques et physiologiques, 1833
Lot 339 - Brun de la Combe (Joseph André). Nouveau Plan de Culture, de Finance et d'Économie...
Lot 340 - Cabanis (Pierre Jean). Sketch of the Revolutions of Medical Science, 1806
Lot 341 - Cheyne (George). The Natural Method of Cureing the Diseases of the Body, 4th edition, 1762
Lot 342 - Davis (Joseph Barnard & Thurnam, John). Crania Britannica...
Lot 343 - Einstein (Albert). Relativity, 1st edition in English, Methuen, 1920
Lot 344 - Falcot (P.). Traité encyclopédique et méthodique de la fabrication des tissus...
Lot 348 - Hunter (John). Natural History of the Human Teeth, 3rd edition, 1803
Lot 349 - Keynes (John Maynard). The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1st edition
Lot 351 - [Locke, John]. [The Works of John Locke, Vol. 1 [of 3], 2nd ed, 1722]
Lot 352 - Macquer (Pierre Joseph). Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry.
Lot 353 - Malthus (Thomas Robert). Principles of Political Economy, 1st edition, John Murray, 1820
Lot 355 - Measles Manuscript. Essay on Measles, German Measles, and their counterfeits, c. 1883
Lot 358 - Nannoni (Angelo). Trattato chirurgico di Angelo Nannoni..., 1761
Lot 359 - Parkes (Samuel). Chemical Essays, 2 volumes, 2nd edition, 1823
Lot 360 - Richardson (Joseph). A Practical Treatise on Mechanical Dentistry, 1860