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Monday & Tuesday 27/28 January 9.30am-5.30pm
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Lot 265 - Bridges (John Henry). The Unity of Comte's Life and Doctrine...
Lot 266 - Buchanan (C[olin]). The Writing-Master and Accountant's Assistant, 1st edition, 1798
Lot 268 - Darwin (Charles). Journal of.. H.M.S. Beagle, 1st edition, 10th thousand, 1860
Lot 271 - French Academy of Sciences. Histoire de l’Académie Royale des Sciences...
Lot 273 - Gordon (William). The General Counting-House and Man of Business, 2nd edition...
Lot 274 - Goschen, George Joachim. The Theory of Foreign Exchanges, 1st edition...
Lot 275 - Grote (George). Review of the work of Mr John Stuart Mill...
Lot 276 - Hare (Thomas). The Election of Representatives, Parliamentary and Municipal...
Lot 277 - Hippocrates. Octoginta volumina, 1st edition, Rome: Franciscus Minutius Calvus, 1525...
Lot 278 - Imhooff (Jean-Jacques). L'Art de tenir les livres en parties doubles...
Lot 279 - Lange (Friedrich Albert). J. St. Mill's Ansichten über die sociale...
Lot 280 - Malthus (Thomas Robert). Essai sur le Principe de Population…
Lot 281 - Marmont du Hautchamp. Histoire des finances sous la minorité de Louis XV, 3 volumes, 1739
Lot 282 - Mercado (Tomás de). Summa de tratos y contratos, 2nd edition...
Lot 283 - Michaelis (Johann David). Grammatica Syriaca, 1st edition...
Lot 284 - Mickle (William Julius, editor and translator). The Lusiad; or, The Discovery of India...
Lot 288 - Mill (John Stuart). An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy, 1865