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Lot 169 - Origenes (Adamantius). [Opera, volume 4 only (of 4), Paris: Guilielmo Paruo & Jo. Badius Ascensius, 1512]
Sold for £480
Lot 170 - Bible [Latin]. Biblia, 1516
Sold for £2,200
Lot 171 - De Celaya (Juan). Dialectice, 4 works in one, Paris 1516-1518
Estimated at £1,000 - £1,500
Lot 172 - Koberger (Johannis & Clein, J., printer). Hortulus anime cum aliis quam plurimis orationibus, 1517
Sold for £875
Lot 173 - Jerome (St. & Oecolampadius, Johann). Index in tomos omnes, operum Diui Hieronymi..., 1520
Sold for £260
Lot 174 - Boethius (Anicius). Boetii op[er]a et castigatiora et plura q[uam] hactenus impressa fuerint, 1523
Sold for £200
Lot 175 - Voragine (Jacobus de). Legenda Aurea: that is to saye in Englysshe the Golden legende..., 1527
Sold for £1,900
Lot 176 - Fabyan (Robert). Fabyans cronycle newly prynted, London: Wyllyam Rastell, 1533
Sold for £3,000
Lot 177 - Cicero (Marcus Tullius). De invention et Arte Rhetorica, Paris, 1536
Sold for £800
Lot 178 - Vegetius (Flavius Renatus). Flaue Vegece Rene homme noble et illustre du fait de guerre, 1536
Sold for £1,000
Lot 179 - Witzel (Georg). [Homiliae Orthodoxae, Postill oder Predigbuch..., Cologne: Johann Gymnich, 1539]
Sold for £300
Lot 180 - Hardyng (John). The Chronicle of Jhon Hardyng in metre, 1st edition, London: Richardi Graftoni, 1543
Sold for £900
Lot 181 - Liturgical Primer. The Primer set forth by the Kinges Maieste..., London: Edward Whitchurche, 1545
Sold for £2,800
Lot 182 - [Flores, Juan de]. Historia di Aurelio et Isabella, Venice, 1548
Sold for £240
Lot 183 - [Hall, or Halle, Edward]. The Union of the two noble and illustre famelies..., 1548
Sold for £1,500
Lot 184 - Fornari (Simone). Spositione di M. Simon Fornari sopra l'Orlando Furioso, 1st edition, 1549-50
Sold for £170
Lot 185 - Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Workes of Geffray Chaucer..., London: Richard Kele, circa 1550
Sold for £1,400
Lot 186 - Boccaccio (Giovanni). The Falls of... Princes and Princesses, translated by John Lydgate, 1554
Sold for £3,400
Lot 187 - Sallustius Crispus (Caius). Here begynneth the famous Cronicle of Warre..., London: Jhon Waley, 1557
Sold for £1,100
Lot 188 - Fabyan (Robert). The Chronicle of Fabian, 2 volumes, 4th edition, London: Jhon Kyngston, 1559
Lot 189 - Lanquet (Thomas et al.). An Epitome of Cronicles..., London: William Seres for Thomas Marshe, 1559
Estimated at £500 - £800
Lot 190 - Bible [English]. [The Holie Bible conteynyng the Olde Testament and the Newe, 1568]
Sold for £12,000
Lot 191 - Bible [English]. [The Bible in English, that is to say: The content of all the holy Scripture, 1569]
Sold for £4,400
Lot 192 - Grafton (Richard). A Chronicle at Large, 2nd edition 1569-68
Sold for £1,300