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Lot 73 - Jardine (William). The Naturalist's Library. Ornithology, vol. 2 only, Humming-Birds, 1833
Sold for £200
Lot 74 - Knoop (Johann Hermann). Pomologia, Fructologia, Dendrologia, 3 vols in 1, 1758
Sold for £600
Lot 75 - La Quintinye (Jean de). The Compleat Gard'ner..., 1693
Sold for £220
Lot 76 - Medical Botany. Medical Botany, 2 volumes, 1819
Sold for £500
Lot 77 - Sinclair (Isabella). Indigenous Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands, 1885
Sold for £1,600
Lot 78 - Asia. Speed (John), Asia with the Islands adjoyning..., Thomas Bassett & Richard Chiswell, 1676
Sold for £950
Lot 79 - Australasia. A collection of 22 maps, published in 'The Picturesque Atlas of Australasia' [1888]
Lot 80 - Australia. Ham (Thomas). A Map of Australia Felix..., 1847
Sold for £850
Lot 81 - Bacon (G. W. publisher). Bacon's New Large-Scale Atlas of London and Suburbs..., 1900
Lot 82 - British County Maps. A collection of approximately 120 maps, 17th - 19th century
Sold for £260
Lot 83 - * British County Maps. Bowen (Emanuel), An Accurate Map of the County of Northampton..., 1762
Sold for £120
Lot 84 - * British Isles. Blaeu (Johannes), Britannia prout divisa suit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum.., circa 1648
Sold for £1,500
Lot 85 - British Isles. Homann (Johann Baptist). Magna Britannia complectens..., 1729 [or later]
Lot 86 - British Isles. Jaillot (Alexis Hubert), Carte Generale des Royaumes D'Angleterre..., Paris, 1669
Sold for £360
Lot 87 - British Isles. Jaillot (Alexis Hubert), Les Isles Britannique..., [1725]
Lot 88 - British Isles. Ortelius (Abraham), Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae sive Britannicar..., [1570]
Lot 89 - * British Isles. Ortelius (Abraham), Britannicarum Insularum Typus [1595 or later]
Lot 90 - British Isles. Petrini (Paolo), L'Inghilterra Divisa in sette Regni quarttro..., circa 1705
Sold for £320
Lot 91 - British Isles. Pine (John), Sea chart showing the progress of the Spanish Armada, 1739
Sold for £160
Lot 92 - British Isles. Ptolemy (Claudius & Waldseemuller Martin), Tabula Prima Europae, 1513
Lot 93 - * British Isles. Speed (John), The Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland, 1st edition [1611]
Sold for £1,700
Lot 94 - British Isles. Waldseemuller (Martin), Tabu Hiberniae Sco, Strasbourg, circa 1522
Sold for £1,100
Lot 95 - * Carmarthenshire. Speed (John), Caermarden Both Shyre and Towne Described, 1st edition, [1611]
Sold for £140
Lot 96 - Celestial Maps. De Fer (Nicolas), Planisphere Celeste Septentrional..., Paris, circa 1770
Sold for £380