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Lot 193 - Nattes (John Claude). Scotia Depicta, 1804
Sold for £260
Lot 194 - Ormerod (George). The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester, 3 volumes, 1819
Sold for £140
Lot 195 - Smith (William, editor). Old Yorkshire, 8 volumes (1st & 2nd series), Longmans, Green, 1881-91
Sold for £320
Lot 196 - Taylor (George & Skinner, Andrew). Map of the Roads of Ireland, Surveyed 1777
Sold for £480
Lot 197 - Walker (J. & C.), Hobson's Fox-Hunting Atlas, circa 1870
Lot 198 - Whitworth (Richard). The Advantages of Inland Navigation, 1st edition, 1766
Sold for £220
Lot 199 - Wilson (William). Post-Chaise Companion: or travellers Directory through Ireland, 1786
Sold for £150
Lot 200 - Aldrovandi (Ulisse). Serpentum et Draconum Historiae libri duo, 1st edition, Bologna, 1640
Sold for £1,500
Lot 201 - Bacon (Francis). Sylva Sylvarum: or a Naturall Historie, 3rd edition, 1631
Sold for £200
Lot 202 - Bairei (Kono Naotoyo, 1844-1895). Bairei Hyakucho Gafu (Bairei's Album of One Hundred Birds), 1881
Sold for £460
Lot 203 - Balfour-Browne (V. R.). Stalking Letters and Sketches, 1978
Sold for £240
Lot 204 - Blunt (David Enderby). Elephant, 1st edition, 1933
Lot 205 - * Botanical Watercolours. Two botanical studies of peach and acorn, late 18th century
Sold for £100
Lot 206 - Cooper (Thomas Sidney). Thirty Four Subjects of Cattle, 1st edition, 1837
Estimated at £500 - £800
Lot 207 - Darwin (Charles). On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, 3rd edition, 1861
Sold for £1,200
Lot 208 - Geological Survey Maps. A collection of 10 geological survey maps, 1834-1866
Sold for £340
Lot 209 - Gerard (John). [The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes, 1st edition, 1597]
Sold for £1,800
Lot 210 - Gould (John). A Monograph of the Trochilidae, 1st edition, original parts, 1849-61
Sold for £56,000
Lot 211 - Jerrard (Paul & Son, publisher). The Night-Flyers, circa 1860
Sold for £580
Lot 212 - Kyosai (Toiku Kawanabe). Ehon Taka Kagami, 1866-80
Sold for £940
Lot 213 - Low (David). Domestic Animals of the British Islands ... The Ox, 1st edition, 1842
Sold for £1,550
Lot 214 - Millais (J. G.). The Natural History of British Game Birds, 1st edition, 1909, Millais's copy
Sold for £640
Lot 215 - Muirhead (J.T.) Ivory Poaching and Cannibals in Africa, 1st edition, 1933
Sold for £160
Lot 216 - New Naturalist, volumes 74-5, and 59 others
Sold for £540