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Lot 145 - East India Company. Artillery Orders from 1816 to 1831 [Madras, c.1831], with MS continuation
Sold for £1,550
Lot 146 - East India Company. 'Copies of some Orders of Courts of the Old East India Company', c.1708
Sold for £660
Lot 147 - Gamucci (Bernardo). Libri Quattro. Dell'Antichita della Citta di Roma, 1st edition, Venice, 1565
Sold for £1,600
Lot 148 - Goddard (T., & J. Booth, publishers). The Military Costume of Europe, 1812-22
Sold for £1,700
Lot 149 - Hakluyt (Richard). Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques & Discoveries... English Nation , 1928
Sold for £340
Lot 150 - Hasselquist (Fredrik). Voyages and Travels in the Levant, 1st edition in English, 1766, & others
Sold for £1,200
Lot 151 - Hastings (Warren). A Narrative of the Insurrection in Banaris, manuscript copy, 1782
Sold for £3,400
Lot 152 - Henricy (Casimir). Album pittoresque d'un voyage autour du monde, c.1880
Sold for £820
Lot 153 - Howell (James). A Survay of the Signorie of Venice, 1st edition, 1651, & Sandys, Journey, 1637
Sold for £460
Lot 154 - Jenkins (James). The Martial Achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies, [1814-15]
Lot 155 - Johnston (Alexander Keith). The Royal Atlas of Modern Geography, 1861
Sold for £140
Lot 156 - Knolles (Richard, & Paul Rycaut). The Turkish History, 1st collection edition, 1687
Sold for £1,000
Lot 157 - Leeder (Ehrenfried & Schade Theodor). .., Handatlas..., 1866
Sold for £600
Lot 158 - Mariti (Giovanni). Travels through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine, 1st edition in English, 1791-2
Sold for £480
Lot 159 - Mayer (Luigi). Views in the Ottoman Empire [bound after:] Views in Palestine, 1803-4
Sold for £1,250
Lot 160 - Mecham (Clifford Henry). Sketches & Incidents of the Siege of Lucknow, 1858
Sold for £640
Lot 161 - Michie (Alexander). The Englishman in China during the Victorian Era, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1900
Sold for £920
Lot 162 - Milner (Rev. Thomas). A Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy..., circa 1858
Sold for £700
Lot 163 - Moreno (José). Viage á Constantinopla, 1st edition, Madrid, 1790
Lot 164 - Parival (Jean-Nicolas de). Les Delices de la Hollande, 2 volumes, 1728
Lot 165 - Paroletti (Modeste). Turin et ses Curiosities, 1st edition, Turin, 1819
Sold for £80
Lot 166 - Pococke (Richard). Beschreibung des Morgenlandes, 1st edition in German, 1754-5
Sold for £520
Lot 167 - Puffendorf (Samuel). An Introduction to the History of the Kingdoms and States of Asia..., 1705
Sold for £160
Lot 168 - Raleigh (Sir Walter), [The Historie of the World...,] circa 1614