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Lot 385 - Atabey (Sefik E.). The Sefik E. Atabey Collection, The Ottoman World, 1998
Sold for £260
Lot 386 - Barrett (Timothy). Nagashizuki. The Japanese Craft of Hand Papermaking, 1979
Sold for £560
Lot 387 - Bartoli (Pietro Santi). Admiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum ac Veteris Sculpturae Vestigia..., 1693
Sold for £620
Lot 388 - Bebb (Richard). Welsh Furniture 1250-1950, 2 volumes, 2007
Sold for £320
Lot 389 - Boydell (John & Joshia). [Graphic Illustrations of the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, 1791-1802]
Sold for £1,050
Lot 390 - Cocteau (Jean & Picasso, Pablo). Orphee. A Tragedy in One Act and an Interval, OUP, 1933
Lot 391 - Dali (Salvador, 1904-1989). Dali. A Study of His Art-in-Jewels, New York Graphic Society, 1959
Sold for £400
Lot 392 - * De Kooning (Willem, 1904-1997). Signed cheque, 11 October 1971
Sold for £270
Lot 393 - Dudin (M.). The Art of the Bookbinder and Gilder by M. Dudin 1772, Leeds: Elmete Press, 1977
Sold for £140
Lot 394 - Gooding (Mel). John Hoyland, 1st edition, Thames & Hudson, 2006
Sold for £290
Lot 395 - Hepworth (Barbara). A Pictorial Autobiography, 1st edition, Bath: Adams & Dart, 1970
Sold for £960
Lot 396 - Hillier (Jack). The Art of the Japanese Book, 2 volumes, 1987
Sold for £120
Lot 397 - * Hodgkin (Howard, 1932-2017). Forty-Five Paintings 1949-1975, Museum of Modern Art, 1976
Sold for £75
Lot 398 - * Hodgkin (Howard, 1932-2017). Howard Hodgkin [by] Andrew Graham-Dixon, 1st edition, 1994
Sold for £440
Lot 399 - Hondius (Hendrik). Grondige onderrichtinge in de optica: ofte, Perspective..., Amsterdam: [1622?]
Sold for £100
Lot 400 - Incline Press. In Praise of Patterned Papers, 1997
Sold for £660
Lot 401 - Jammes (Andre). Papiers Dominotes, [Paris], 2010
Sold for £420
Lot 403 - Palladio (Andrea). The Four Books of Architecture..., Translated... Isaac Ware, 2nd edition, [1755]
Lot 404 - Perau (Gabriel). Description Historique de l'Hotel Royal des Invalides, 1756
Lot 405 - Pforzheimer (Carl H.). The Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, English Literature 1475-1700, 1997
Sold for £230
Lot 406 - * Piper (John, 1903-1992). Autograph letter signed, 'John Piper', 6 September 1948
Lot 407 - Schwerdt (Carl Franz Georg Richard). Hunting, Hawking, Shooting
Sold for £300
Lot 408 - * Sontag (Susan & Hodgkin, Howard). The Way We Live Now, Jonathan Cape, 1991