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Lot 337 - * Prints & engravings. A mixed collection of approximately sixty-five prints, 19th century
Sold for £190
Lot 338 - * Reptiles and Amphibians. A mixed collection of approximately 130 prints, 18th & 19th century
Sold for £1,000
Lot 339 - * Roberts (David). Eight views in Egypt, Nubia and the Holy Land, circa 1838
Sold for £8,500
Lot 340 - Scrap Albums. Three Victorian scrap albums, early - mid 19th century
Sold for £210
Lot 341 - * Southampton. Day (W., lithographer), High Street Southampton, 1828
Sold for £160
Lot 342 - * Thorburn (Archibald). Partridges on a Frosty Morning & Partridges in Snow, 1928 & 1907
Sold for £360
Lot 343 - * Trades & Professions. A collection of approximately 280 prints and engravings, 18th & 19th century
Sold for £560
Lot 344 - Vanity Fair. 18 volumes, 1869-86
Sold for £2,000
Lot 345 - * Wagner (Richard). Schweniger (C.), circa 1890
Sold for £120
Lot 346 - * Ward (William). Portrait of John Cotes, 1810
Sold for £200
Lot 347 - * Whessell (John, circa 1760-circa 1840). The Durham Ox, 1802
Lot 348 - * Young (John). Young Sailors & The Little Volunteer, 1799
Estimated at £200 - £300
Lot 349 - Aesop. Aesop's Fables with his Life, 1st edition, 1666
Sold for £2,900
Lot 350 - Bara (Hierome de). Le Blason des Armoiries, Paris, 1628
Lot 351 - Baskerville Press. An Apology for the True Christian Divinity..., Birmingham, 1765
Lot 352 - Baskerville Press. The Book of Common Prayer, [2nd ed.], Cambridge: John Baskerville, 1760
Lot 353 - Bible [English]. [The Bible..., Edinburgh: Printed by Andro Hart, 1610]
Sold for £290
Lot 354 - Bindings.
Sold for £1,300
Lot 355 - Bindings. Oeuvres de Chateaubriand, 20 volumes in ten, Paris, 1857
Sold for £300
Lot 356 - Bindings. The Holy Bible, Oxford: University Press for SPCK, 1864
Lot 357 - Boissard (Jean). [IIII. (- VI.) Pars antiquitatum Romanarum, Frankfurt, 1598-1602]
Sold for £400
Lot 358 - Bryant (Jacob). A New System, or an analysis of ancient mythology, 3 volumes, 1775-76
Sold for £260
Lot 359 - Bucer (Martin). De regno Christi Jesu servatoris nostri libri II, Basel: Ioannem Oporinum, [1557]
Sold for £170
Lot 360 - Cookery. A manuscript receipt book, dated 1730 and 1733
Sold for £3,100